
Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Tiny Paintbrush

A Flower for Sarah

Baby Jesus in the manger for Sarah

His Eye is on the Sparrow for Sarah

Baylor Skyline at Sunset for Sarah

So, I am sitting in Sunday School one morning and the pastor of our church, who is also my Sunday School teacher, says he has a little project he needs some help with. (Let me interject here that lots of people have said this to me, especially in the past few months, thinking I have way to much free time while I am not working. And am ready to jump up and create something for them...)

Anyway, he tells me how a person we both know has remodeled her office and in doing so, had to move the ceiling light fixture. Covering the old location was a simple white plastic plate, effective, but boring. He had an idea of having a few covers painted with various scenes and put them up to surprise her. Maybe something with a Christmas theme or something.

That afternoon, I sent my dear husband to the local hardware store for a couple of these plates and started working on them.
The first one was a manger scene, not terribly detailed, but something to catch her attention and celebrate the season of Advent.
The second one was an eye, like the eye of God is looking down on you as you sit at your desk, diligently working. Maybe a little spooky, but always nice to know Someone is watching out for you.

The next day, the pastor called me and said he had some ideas for the covers. He was surprised to find that I had done two already, but I had a couple of more ideas.

I didn't deliver the second set until after Christmas, what with Christmas cards to write, holiday traveling and festivities to attend.
The next one is the Baylor skyline at sunset, just in case she got a little homesick for school or needed to remember where she came from.
And the last one is a simply flower, the sign of new beginnings, of new days ahead and of the beauty of God's earth.

See, my friend, Sarah, works with people who don't always fit in with society, maybe don't have a place to the Baby Jesus.
People who need to remember that God is always watching over them and loves them.
People who are helped by someone who spent a long time in school, learning how best to serve.
People who need to know that tomorrow is a new day, that you can begin again and that there is beauty in every flower, in every smile, in every person.

So, when asked to get out my tiny, little paintbrush and try to brighten up someone's can I resist?

1 comment:

MBirch said...

these are so good! i LOVE the baylor skyline one