
Friday, February 20, 2009

A Tiny Silver Basketball

Fredericksburg Academy Girls Varsity Basketball team has made it to the finals! They will play Wakefield Country Day School tomorrow at The Highland School in Warrenton VA.
I believe it will be a close game and could be won by either team. I have also heard that the WCD coach has been suspended for unsportsmanlike conduct and will not be coaching. This is a good thing.
Ya'll know that I am not a sporty girl, normally picked last for teams...and actually okay with that. I wrote a lot of papers in school to make up for a lack of mad skills on the playing field. But I was a great scorekeeper, color announcer and cheer-er...all important skills, right?!
At FA, the students are required to play two seasons of sports per year, so I became a parent fan a few years ago. Anyone who wants to play can be on the team, however, they may not get a lot of playing time. One thing I have noticed over the years is how the coaches have fostered a great sense of "team". A team need skilled players, able subs, cheering fans and a sense of good sportsmanship.
As I have watched several coaches over the years and several groups of parents, I am struck by how fortunate that our school has had some great coaches!
I have witnessed coaches who have badgered, berated, brow beat and used unseemly language while coaching their teams. Maybe I am naive, but I would like my daughter coached by someone who is an encourager, not a belittle-er.
Last fall, I had the privilage to play "soccer mom" to a group of children who are new to our country. I was saddened to hear adults yell at 5 year olds as if they were playing professional soccer...for money. On the other hand, I was filled with joy at the dads who gently coached some of our children from the sidelines, helping them understand about throwing the ball in without letting your feet leave the ground.
I am thankful that I have seen more positive actions and that all of the parents who volunteer their time to coach these children is fantastic.
I am thankful that my daughter has had some wonderful coaches who have taught them that just because they CAN run up the score, it is not the right thing to do.
I am thankful that somehow, an athletic gene snuck through and she is a great player.
And, I am thankful that she is a great teammate and encourager. Play Ball!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Tiny Silver Pencil

I went to a meeting today with the college counselor at my darling daughter's school. She is a junior and the testing and application processes have begun. When I started filling out forms, I commented to my mother that I didn't remember all of this when I was applying to college. She replied that she was the one who filled everything no wonder I don't remember!
The counselor had prepared an extensive list of schools she is interested in attending, with size, tuition, grades requires, test scores required, etc. I was amazed at the amount of information we received...thank you very much Ms. Nobles!
We have made some plans to attend tours/Open Houses at the top 4 schools during Winter Break and....
WAIT JUST A you know what this means?!
I will soon be the mom of a college did that happen?!

Before long, I will no longer see her before bed each night, nor will I greet her with a "Good Morning, sweetheart" before school.

Before I break down into a sobbing mess...let's look at this a little differently...

She has attended a fantastic school since Pre-K, which is a college prep school, so what did I think she was going to do after graduation? That's right, go to college!

She is bright, curious, intelligent, caring, positive, cheerful, smart, sensible, a good friend and a warrior for those whose voices yearn to be heard. And one of the most beautiful people I have ever met.

I am excited for her to journey towards being a grown up person, someone who will make a difference and change the lives of others.

She is the kind of person I would like to have for a friend.

No matter where she ends up going to school, near, far, big school, little school...she is always in my heart, no matter where she goes.

So, grab your pencil, color in those dots, sign those applications and take the world by storm!!