
Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Tiny Silver Rattle

This afternoon, I attended a baby shower for a friend who is having her seventh baby girl! That is baby girls. Suwema, Elizabet, Stella, Daines, Regina and Neema will be big sisters to the new baby in just a few weeks!! The mom, Jerida, is a beautiful lady with a lovely smile that lights up her whole face.
As she was opening presents, she would look around the room to identify who had brought her gifts. After she finished, she hugged each person, saying "Thank You" and "God Bless You".
I have taught two of the girls in Sunday School, taught two of the girls in ESL preschool and have turned a jumprope or two for the other two girls!! Sweet girls who take care of each other!!
This will be Jerida's first child born in the USA, first born in a hospital, first child whose first home will not be a tent in a refugee camp.
Blessings to this family, mom, dad, sisters and new baby!!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Wow, that's amazing! 7 Girls! I just saw a blog with a woman who had 8 boys...what an adventure!