Two of our cars sport license plates that identify my college of choice as The University of Tennessee. I got the plate " 8T6VOL" when I first moved to Virginia and it has been on the pre-baby sporty car, the mini van, the suv and is now on the car Bob drives. The other plate "UTVOL86" ( notice the clever use of the Great Seal of Virginia as the letter O, thanks to Larry Haun for this trick!) is on my convertible. Fun to drive, especially on a summer evening, driving home at dusk, the smell of fresh cut grass drifing by.
Anyway, someone asked me if I was going to change my plates in light of the disappointing football season this year. I was a little surprised by the question, because anyone who knows me, knows that I am not very athletic and didn't play football then or now, so I can't really take credit or blame for their record this year or any other year.
And, surprisingly, did not pick UT as my school of choice because of their football team! Or because I look so good in the color orange!
So, my loyalties are not tied to a school with a great team, a lovely campus or a cute mascot. My loyalties are tied to a school where I got an incredible education, made some life long friends and learned how to stand on my own.
I am thankful to my parents for making this possible, grateful indeed!
So, tag my car that I am a VOL, tag me as a Franklin, as an Edwards, as a Baptist, as a mom, as a friend, as a wife, as a daughter, as a sister, as an aunt, as a artist and I will remain loyal to those who have tagged me! Tag you're it!
I want to see your car! Love the plates!
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