
Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Tiny Silver Cup

From the minute you walk into a restaurant, there are many decisions to be made.
Wait...first you recognized that you were hungry and then the discussion ensues about where you are going to go....but let's bypass that part, because it always goes like this...
"Where do you want to go?"
"I don't know, wherever you want."
"What are you hungry for?"
"What did you have for lunch?"
"You pick, I can find something wherever we go, you are the picky one."
...and then we go somewhere.

Okay, back to walking into the restaurant.
Where are you going to sit? You quickly scan for the quiet table, there, that one looks good. You sit down and wait for it...wait for comes the server and they ask THE question,
"Can I get you something to drink?"
And I answer, "Are you a Coke or Pepsi restaurant?"
The server always gets that look on their face, as if they know there is a 50/50 chance that I will not like the answer and my disappointment will be reflected in their tip.
When the answer is "Coke", I may or may not order a Diet Coke, depending on my mood.
However, if the answer is "Pepsi", I quickly say,
"May I have a glass of water, please".
I have matured past the days of the heavy sigh, eye rolls and looks that could kill...after all, it is just a beverage, right?!

I don't care for Pepsi, I can't tolerate Diet Pepsi and am not a big fan of Sierra Mist. I do indeed love Mountain Dew ( after all, it is a southern invention) but don't need all of the sugar.

So, why all of the fuss about a simple beverage?

I just read somewhere that a person was suing a restaurant because they ordered a "Diet Drink of a Certain Brand" and were served a "Diet Drink of Another Brand". Turns out there is a regulation that says if someone orders a "Certain Brand" product and you don't serve "That Brand" products, you must tell the person what brand you will be serving before it is served and consumed.


I mean, I appreciate knowing what I am going to get, but taking legal action for not getting what you expected...hmmmmmmm

For the record, we go to a restaurant most every Sunday for lunch and they do not serve my favorite brand...but they do have tasty water!!